A street performance developed and performed by Fregoli Theatre during summer of 2021. Part of our Finding Home residency. Supported by Roscommon Arts Centre, Boyle Arts Festival and Arts Council Ireland.
Five ANGELS drop to earth. Colliding with our elements, they momentarily become part of a new world. Your world…
Who are they? What can they see, hear, touch, feel? Watch the ANGELS as they spread their wings to discover your town, your home and your streets for the first time this summer. What is that? A car? A lamppost? A crack in a wall? Some kind of being? A plant? Can you eat it? What does it smell like?
ANGELS is a short street performance approx. 30 mins, inspired by the idea of re-imagining home and the familiar spaces and places that we all have inhabited for the past year or more. The project views and experiences these places with new eyes, and takes wonder in the details.
Highlights from Boyle Arts Festival 2021 performance
Devised and performed - Maria Tivnan, Tara Finn, Kate Murray, Tracy Bruen and Eimear Finan
Costume/makeup - Tara Finn
Stage manager - Naomi Cantwell
Photography and videography - Emilija Jefremova EmJcamera
Music - Tracy Bruen